Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quick and Easy potato chips in my blog? Its more likely than you think.

Ok so in the past few weeks I have been experimenting with making potato chips. I have found that the brand name is much too expensive and the cheap stuff way too unhealthy. So today I am going to share my methods and results, feel free to comment on anything you see that could be done better. And if you end up making these chips as well take a picture and I will put it up here for all to see. They are pretty quick and easy, you might need about a half hour to an hour until you get it down, or get better equipment.

You will need most of these objects here.
  • Shallow pot (or pan whichever you want to call it)
  • Paper towels
  • A large bowl
  • Salt
  • A slicer
  • Potatoes
  • Vegetable oil (I use safflower oil because its better for you)
  • Something you want so season it with (I used apple cider vinegar)
First you need to wash those dirty potatoes. Their collective sins can only be scrubbed away with water and Dawn. You dirty potatoes... so filthy...
Next you need to slice up those potatoes, the cheese slicer I had in the first picture works well enough with its nice edge. You could use a knife if you want but you do not want the potato slices more than a centimeter or so in thickness. Place them in the desired marinade, in this case its the vinegar. For better marinading results do all these steps the night before and let the slices sit in the flavoring overnight. But knowing you we do not have time for that so lets move on.
Bring that oil up to a super high temperature. I t will probably (read should not) boil and so you know its ready when you toss a slice in and it sizzles. Make sure when you put the slices in that you keep them as separate as possible because they cook better that way. Warning this part will make a really big mess.
After about ten to fifteen minutes your potatoes will be nice and golden brown. Take them out of the fryer, not with your hands, but with some tongs or a fork. Put some paper towels in the bowl to soak up any excess oil, and place the chips in said bowl. Lightly salt and shake the entire bowl to get everything coated evenly. And PRESTO, you have your very own home made chips. When done correctly these are way tastier than store bought.

Be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Also those links up at the top right hand side of the page will take you to my other blogs. Go check them out and follow them all for more delicious updates.


P.S. Follow Blogwave.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Five things I have learned being a new dad.

I have not been a father for very long but it really does not take long for you to learn new things with your baby. In fact learning quickly is pretty essential to you not becoming a drunk. So if you are a new dad, or might be one, or are amused by me in some fashion then follow me as I discuss a few things I have learned.

   + Your baby is way tougher than they look.
While they are a newborn you are told to be very careful with them because they are so fragile. While this is true for their neck and their soft spot this does not apply to everything. Now I am NOT saying to shake your baby like a sack of potatoes but I am saying that they are not going to die because you bend them while putting their clothes on. You also are not going to ruin them forever if you play with then, do not go over board but do not cry if he does as well. You probably did not hurt them, just pick the baby up and hold them and it will all be OK. Also be prepared for them to scratch their faces, they will heal and those mittens do not help really...

  + Your baby is smarter than you think.
Think swearing in front of your child is cool? Well maybe it is but remember that the baby is recording everything right now. He may never remember a particular instance but I do not remember learning to talk either. So not only should you watch your tongue but you should read and play with him to help develop his brain.

   + You baby's cries are not going to annoy you like other babies
This is one my wife and I were both worried about. You remember those babies at restaurants or movies that do not stop crying. Your baby may cry just the same but it will never seem to annoy you, unless you are going to sleep. So do not think that because you hate children now that you will hate your own as well.

  + If you use formula be prepared for the consequences
great percentage of mothers swith to formula because "breast feeding is too hard." While this is not always the case it seems to be the most common one I have seen. In the long run though you are just hurting yourself and the baby. SCIENCE has proven that breast fed babies are smarter and in overall better health. Besides that though I can tell you that his refuse is going to be much easier to clean up and constipation is not so much of an issue. The formula fed babies I have met are also quite a bit crankier and less active. The topping on the cake however is that formula fed babies wake up about every two hours to be fed, my breast fed child wakes up ONCE in the entire night and sleeps after being fed. My point is that formula is NOT easier in the long run.

    + Sappy songs will start to make you cry

Remember those stupid songs about babies you used to laugh at? Well time to make a new play list in your iPod. You can call it "Why do I love these songs?" Case in point is the following song, almost makes me shed tears every time now...

And that is it folks, if you liked what you saw then remember to click on the links at the top right of this page to get you to my other things as well. Game reviews and rants is the main feed to be sure to follow that one first! Also be sure to check out Blogwave for all sorts of tips and tricks for blogging!
